Welcome to BitFlow's Alpha test!
We are excited to finally be able to share the first alpha build of BitFlow for everyone to try out and are excited for the feedback of the community. Please, explore BitFlow at your own pace and let us know of potential imporovements, as well as general issues you've encountered, so that we can get right to fixing them.
Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized currency that eliminates the need for central authorities such as banks or governments by using a peer-to-peer internet network to confirm transactions directly between users.
24H AVG Price
96.900,00 €
Last Trade Price
94.600,02 €
24H Total Transactions
487268 Transactions
Time between blocks
~8 mins
Difficulty re-adjustment in
~4 days
Block Reward
3,1250 BTC
Today's blocks Connecting
Latest TransactionsConnecting
Market Price (USD)
Average USD market price across major bitcoin exchanges.
USD Exchange Trade Volume
The total USD value of trading volume on major bitcoin exchanges.